Peace International

International School


Our curriculum encompasses the lessons, academic content, and skills taught in our school.

It integrates religious and worldly education, offering a unique Islamic schooling approach. Guided by the Qur’an and authentic Hadith, our guidelines reflect a strong commitment to Islamic values and principles at Peace International School.

Hifz Education System

Hifz Education, for students starting at (Specify Age), focuses on memorizing the entire Holy Qur’an. With segregated sections for boys and girls, the program integrates religious and worldly education, emphasizing Tajwid and retention. Aligned with the Qur’an and Hadith, the curriculum instils Islamic values, incorporating subjects like English, Maths Genius, Arabic, and Physical Education. The goal is to shape students’ personalities in line with Islamic principles, fostering values of care, sharing, justice, universal brotherhood, and peace.

Middle Education System

Our goal is to offer education based on the Cambridge curriculum, allowing parents and students the flexibility to opt for either the Matric system or follow the Cambridge system. The middle education phase spans four years, covering grades 5 to 7. In grade 7, students have the choice to select either the Matric or O Level system.

ECE/Primary Education System

Islamic education aims to build a solid foundation in Islamic values for success in the modern world, emphasizing practical application of the Quran and Sunnah. Primary education also focuses on fostering critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving skills, and instilling values such as honesty, integrity, respect, community service, and helping others.

Matric Education System

The matriculation system in Pakistan is a widely accepted standardized education system for higher education within the country. It involves final examinations at the end of 9th and 10th grades, typically taken by students aged 14 to 16 years. Our experienced faculty consistently produces high achievers, securing A1 grades annually.


O-Level Cambridge System

O-Level, awarded by Cambridge University U.K., is a globally recognized secondary school degree aligned with British Standard GCE (General Certificate of Education). Aimed at providing international exposure and cultural diversity, it is becoming a popular choice among Pakistani students for its career advancement opportunities and global recognition. Our program spans from grade 8 to grade 10, offering practical experience.