Peace International

International School

Our Mission

The mission of Peace International School is to provide high-quality education and state-of-the-art facilities that foster the holistic development of Muslim children. Grounded in moral values, our aim is to equip students with the confidence to navigate life’s challenges successfully. We strive to create an environment where students excel in various subjects while embracing and practicing Islamic teachings. Aligned with the Qur’an and Hadith, our guidelines seek to shape students’ personalities in accordance with Islamic principles, promoting values of caring, sharing, and justice. Our curriculum integrates religious knowledge with worldly education, offering a balanced approach that prepares students for a meaningful and purposeful life.

Our Vision

Our vision at Peace International School is to be a leading institution that exemplifies excellence in education while upholding the values of Islam. We aspire to nurture individuals who not only excel academically but also embody the principles of compassion, cooperation, and justice. By adhering to the teachings of the Qur’an and Hadith, we envision a community of students who contribute positively to society, guided by a strong foundation in both religious knowledge and worldly education. Our commitment is to provide a learning environment that empowers students to confidently face the complexities of life with a profound understanding of Islamic values and a dedication to personal and societal well-being.

Director's Message

Principal's Message

At Peace International, our goal is to build an insightful environment with sense of community and trust amongst children, parents and staff. Our main focus and great strength – our Terbiyah program envisions on empowering our students by highlighting their leadership skills to provide them a platform to enhance different attributes like communication skills, team building and collaborative work, planning and strategy building, vision, persistence and determination- all based on Islamic perceptions. We are invested to cater continued partnership with all stakeholders to ensure exceptional learning experiences for our pupils to progress and reach their potential holistically!